Because those who might serve that group do not think that group worth serving ... |
Let's face it, human nature is to try to get something for nothing.
"People of the same trade seldom meet together,
even for merriment and diversion, but the conversation ends in a conspiracy against the public, or in some contrivance to raise prices." |
Many assume that "the free market" produces shows
for all the news/views and cultures worth programming for. If your culture and views aren't aired, you're
worth listening to.
Not so: In
the February 1997 American Demographics article "The Emerging Culture", Do you find yourself both "liberal" and "conservative ... or reject this binary choice as worthless? This research has found three major groupings of values in America; "Cultural Creatives" are generally well educated,
Click on chart to see it full-sized. Click here for the full story. |
"Despite their numbers [24% of the U.S. population] ,
Cultural Creatives tend to believe that few people share their values.
This is partly because their views are rarely represented in the mainstream
media, which is mostly owned and operated according to the Modern world
view. Little of what they read gives them any evidence of their
huge numbers."
"It's not too far off to say that Moderns see the world through the same filters as Time magazine." |
Peter Phillips, Director of Project
Censored pointed out,
those 157 people are corporate America ..." These are the same 157 people that control most
These 157 people also control 14%
In other words, the media watchdogs are actually the lapdogs of the
burglars at whom they are supposed to bark.
Mergers allowed by the 1996 Telecom Act have brought U.S. close to a monopoly disaster ... There is no competition to speak of And the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) plans to ensure that it stays that way at your expense! |
Radio is "... the lifeblood of a Free Society", Our Democratic Republic depends on a careful balance of
power Media is the feedback loop
You have the right to matter,
It does not matter whether those votes are America will only function with justice
Please visit these links for more information:
What to say when someone says "What's the problem?" |
What you can do to solve the problem of unrepresentative radio. |
(more info) Land O' Links Index of this website |
LPRS Discussion |
Your Congressperson and Senator to show support for democratic radio; Radio
For The Rest Of Us!!